Sunday, September 8, 2013

Goddess In Phyllis Gooche

This painting may be purchased at the Rogers & Rogers Art Gallery.  It is currently on exhibit there.
This is an abstract I recently finished.  It's a little different than my normal style of painting, but I think it's good to challenge yourself and try different things.  I was inspired by my husband's more
abstract style in his "sheet" paintings and began to imagine....."what if" there were a person beneath that sheet.  After a few sketches, the "Goddess in Flight" appeared and I began creating her on
canvas.  Below, is the result.
"Goddess in Flight"  36"x48"

Caution - Artist at Work

This abstract painting has been very popular.  Richard has done several commissioned paintings of various versions of it.  This is his fourth in a series. Richard paints slowly and meticulously and
will paint weeks or months on a painting this size.  (48"x 60")

Richard at work on his latest "sheet" painting